Posts Tagged ‘ACIM’

iTransPlay …. What’s In A Name

July 3, 2008

Residential Intensives

Residential Intensives: Transformational, Process Oriented, Spiritually Based On A Course In Miracles

We have been playing with a new logo for our website or blog and have been exploring symbology. So, what’s in a name? We are actively engaged in iTransPlay. The little i stands for the constructed self or ego and its perception through the body’s eye. By process oriented transformation the Self is remembered and with it the vision of spirit, bringing forgiveness and the grace of innocence. On considering those with whom we have facilitated this transformation, we discovered that most came with a troubled mind and a broken heart, suffering from a lost relationship.

With light hearted play, music, and dance we all come to experience peace of mind and an open heart. Thus the appropriateness of foxglove, the source of digitalis, an herbal heart tonic.

The significance of the mobius strip winding around the words is its similarity to the infinity sign and its continuous unbounded surface with no inside or outside thus dissolving duality in eternal Oneness.

In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus offered a remarkably Mobius-like observation about the Kingdom of Heaven: “When you make the male as the female, and the female as the male, and the up as the down and the inner as the outer, then shall you see the Kingdom of Heaven.”

TS Eliot in Little Gidding also speaks to this continuous journey.

”We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started
And know it for the first time.”